This course provides an overview of the HP computing services portfolio and how to best match it with the customer needs.
  • 01078084
  • Délka 1 den
  • 0 ITK bodů
  • 0 termínů
  • Praha (3 600 Kč)

    Brno (3 600 Kč)

    Bratislava (130 €)

  • Začátečník

This course provides an overview of the HP computing services portfolio and how to best match it with the customer needs.


HP and channel partner employees interested in selling HP computing

  • Why services matter
  • What services to sell
  • How and when to sell services
  • Winning with HP

    Požadované vstupní znalosti


    Osnova kurzu

  • Why services matter
  • What services to sell
  • How and when to sell services
  • Winning with HP
  • Aktuální nabídka
    Školicí místo
    Jazyk kurzu

    Uvedené ceny jsou bez DPH.