In the Oracle Application Express Workshop I, discover how to develop database-centric web applications quickly using Oracle Application Express. Learn from expert Oracle University instructors through interactive learning, which includes [...]
  • D79653
  • Délka 5 dní
  • 75 ITK bodů
  • 3 termíny
  • Praha (66 400 Kč)

    Brno (66 400 Kč)

    Bratislava (2 595 €)

In the Oracle Application Express Workshop I, discover how to develop database-centric web applications quickly using Oracle Application Express. Learn from expert Oracle University instructors through interactive learning, which includes hands-on exercises. By investing in this course, you'll discover how Oracle Application Express allows you to create database applications using desktop and mobile interfaces. You'll also learn how to enhance your application by adding various components like reports, forms, items, dynamic actions, calendars, charts, plug-ins and other shared components required in an application.

  • Create a database application for both desktop and mobile interfaces.
  • Add various components like new pages, reports regions, items and other components required to enhance an application.
  • Create processes and validations within an application.
  • Create shared components for an application.
  • Implement security in an application.
  • Manage application navigation in an application.
  • Extend application by adding more components using some built-in wizards.

Basic knowledge of SQL, PL/SQL, and HTML

Metody výuky

Odborný výklad s praktickými ukázkami, cvičení na počítačích.

Formáty školení Oracle

Velmi oblíbenou formou školení jsou nahrávané kurzy On Demand zahrnující 90 dnů samostudia kdykoliv a kdekoliv s TOP lektorem. Dalšími možnými formáty studia jsou kurzy probíhající přímo v učebně v Počítačové škole Gopas nebo ve společnosti Oracle, dále formát Live Virtual Class (školení on-line) či Selft-Study (samostudium ve formě CD, nebo download). Podrobnější informace k těmto možnostem studia najdete zde.

Studijní materiály

Elektronické autorizované materiály Oracle v anglickém jazyce.

Course Overview

  • Course Objectives
  • Lesson Schedule
  • Order Management Database Application
  • Course Environment : Products Installed
  • Course Environment: Workspace Details
  • Accessing the Labs Directory

Introducing Oracle Application Express

  • Application Express Overview
  • Application Express Terms and Concepts
  • Using Application Express
  • Creating a Database Application
  • Application Builder Overview
  • Introducing Database Applications
  • Creating Database Applications

Using and Creating Interactive Reports

  • Introducing Reports
  • Using Interactive Reports
  • Creating and Customizing an Interactive Report

Creating Classic, Wizard and Mobile Reports

  • Creating Classic Reports
  • Creating Wizard Reports
  • Creating Reports for a Mobile Application

Creating Forms

  • Using Forms
  • Creating Forms
  • Modifying Forms
  • Creating a Form in a Mobile Application

Working with Pages and Regions

  • Introducing Page Definition
  • Working with Page Regions
  • Working with Pages

Adding Items and Buttons

  • Introducing Items
  • Using Items
  • Creating List of Value (LOV) Type of Items
  • Using Buttons

Understanding Session State

  • Understanding Session State in Oracle Application Express
  • Using Session State in Oracle Application Express

Including Page Processing

  • Introducing Page Processing
  • Including Computations
  • Including Processes
  • Including Validations
  • Including Branches

Validating and Debugging Your Application

  • Using the Advisor
  • Managing Your Attribute Dictionary
  • Debugging Your Application

Adding Shared Components That Aid Navigation

  • Introducing Shared Components
  • Creating Tabs
  • Creating Lists
  • Creating Breadcrumbs
  • Creating a Navigational Bar

Working with Themes, Templates and Files

  • Using Themes
  • Using Templates
  • Using Files

Implementing Security

  • Securing an Application
  • Using Authentication Schemes
  • Using Authorization Schemes
  • Using Session State Protection

Managing Application Navigation

  • Building a Hierarchical List with Images
  • Building a Database-Driven Navigation Report
  • Building a Site Map
  • Enforcing Authorization on Your Site Map
  • Linking Interactive Reports using a Declarative Filter

Extending Your Application

  • Creating Data Load Wizard Pages
  • Creating an Upload and Download Page
  • Adding BLOB Data to an Existing Application
  • Sending Email from an Application

Creating and Editing Charts

  • Creating and Using Charts
  • Enhanced Charting Example

Adding Calendars and Trees

  • Using Calendars
  • Using Trees

Using Dynamic Actions and Plug-Ins

  • Using Dynamic Actions
  • Using Plug-Ins

Utilizing Application Express Printing

  • Printing a Standard Report with Derived Output
  • Creating a PDF Report with Multiple Queries

Managing Application Feedback

  • What is Team Development?
  • Managing Feedback
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