This three day course assists administrators and users to configure, manage, and use the OpenStack cloud services platform. An architectural overview ensures understanding of various OpenStack projects and their functions. Hands-on labs [...]
  • H6C68S
  • Délka 3 dny
  • 0 ITK bodů
  • 0 termínů
  • Praha (34 020 Kč)

    Brno (na vyžádání)

    Bratislava (na vyžádání)

This three day course assists administrators and users to configure, manage, and use the OpenStack cloud services platform. An architectural overview ensures understanding of various OpenStack projects and their functions. Hands-on labs provide configuration and operation experience with major aspects of the OpenStack environment.


System Administrators, engineers and consultants who will plan and manage OpenStack-based environments.

HP recommends that students have attained the following credentials or levels of experience before taking this course:

  • Completion of Linux Fundamentals (U8583S)
  • Completion of Linux for Unix Administrators (U2794S)
  • HP Cloud Overview Seminar (HK917AAE)

At the conclusion of this course, you should be able to: Describe the architecture of HP Converged Cloud

  • Describe the major features of OpenStack
  • Describe the architecture of OpenStack
  • Configure and use OpenStack
  • For more info about this course please open datasheet
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