Statistics involves collecting, analysing, interpreting, presenting, and organising data and provides methods for making inferences and conclusions about a population based on a sample of data.Microsoft Excel offers various techniques and [...]
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Statistics involves collecting, analysing, interpreting, presenting, and organising data and provides methods for making inferences and conclusions about a population based on a sample of data.Microsoft Excel offers various techniques and functions to calculate a single value or an array of values from the data in your Excel worksheets.Whether you want to use the Excel Analysis ToolPak (an add-in that provides many statistical analysis tools) or formulas for statistical analysis, such as probability and distribution, this course will guide you through building and developing the various advanced statistical approaches needed.We will use Microsoft Excel and various sample datasets to produce statistical results that can be used in reports and storytelling.We will help you apply the topics covered in the course to your everyday activities through hands-on learning and structured workshops.

  • Build probability formulas
  • Develop statistical distribution functionality
  • Apply inferential statistics to datasets

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